Our Strength :
- Strong emphasis on Development.
- Ability to orient and adapt to the changing features of Industry, particularly in terms of Regulations, Intellectual property and Manufacturing Capabilities.
- Cohesive team of competent Professionals in all Wings related to manufacture and Marketing.
Production Facility :
The equipment’s are specially designed so as to execute various processes and reactions including.
- Multicapacity reactor set up with Stainless Steel Reactors / Glass Lined Reactors
- Temperature flexibility from -15°C to 250°C
- High Vacuum Distillation setup.
- Pilot plant for pre-commercialisation scale ups.
- Commercial glass column chromatographic setups.
- Thermic Fluid & Boilers for wide range of high temperature operations,
- Chillers and Brine Units to support low temperature operations.
Health, Safety & Environment :
- Provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, plant , equipment, systems and working conditions which are safe and without risk to the heath of all employees, visitors, contractors, and the public and which avoid damage to property and adverse impact on the environment.
- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision for all employees to enable them to carry out their duties and responsibilities in a safe and effective way while working.
- Develop and maintain appropriate emergency response procedures, contingency plans and resources commensurate with the risk to business activities.
- Develop and maintain appropriate emergency response procedures, contingency plans and resources commensurate with the risk to business activities.
- Take full account of health, safety, environment and loss prevention considerations in projects, planning and decision making.
- Treat local laws and regulations on health, safety and environment as minimum standards to be improved upon wherever reasonably practicable.
- Encourage all employees to participate actively in and accept individual responsibility for health, safety and environment matters and work in partnership with management to create a culture of continuous improvement.
- Pay special regard to the environment protection of the communities in which it operation are located.
- Ensure that all employees work with due regards to their own safety and health and that of others. Their attitudes to safety will be a factor in determining their career advancement.
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